About Our Program
NLAPH fellows receive training and support to increase mastery of individual and team leadership skills, in order to increase impact in the community. Our evidence-based program will help you:
Develop the necessary leadership skills to navigate uncertainty and manage change.
Work more effectively with multi-sector partners.
Learn how to use data to tell your story, plan, evaluate, and monitor impact.
Refine systems and processes with Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI).
Co-design programmatic and policy solutions in collaboration with community members.
Communicate your impact and influence policymakers.
Create sustainable change.
You apply to NLAPH to advance work and accelerate impact on an existing priority in your community. The program is designed to use your community work as your learning ground — all content and tools will be applied to this project.
NLAPH centers your community’s core values and needs within the program, building a focus on advancing equity.
For more information about NLAPH, see the Introduction, Goals & Objectives section of the Program Overview.
Important Dates, Cost & Funding
NLAPH program elements run November 2023 - July 2024.
NLAPH is operated by PHI Center for Health Leadership & Impact and is funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Participation in NLAPH is free, including team coaching, retreat, access to all program materials and webinars, and enrollment in the Leadership Learning Network (LLN) after completion of the program.
All costs for the in-person retreat (including transportation, food, and accommodations) are covered by the program for the initial four team members. Teams with more than four members will be expected to cover the cost of any additional members.
For more information see the Important Dates, Cost & Funding section of the Program Overview.
Eligibility Requirements
Must be a multi-sector team of four individuals.
Teams should already be working together, addressing a community priority. Some teams might be subsets of an existing coalition or larger working group.
One team member must be from the public health department.
Team members should include multi-sector leaders who can help advance the group’s goals.
Participation in the launch webinar on Wednesday, November 29, 2023
Participation in a three-day leadership retreat: TBD
Minimum 8 hours each month for learning opportunities
Commitment to actively work with team on project outside of scheduled NLAPH learning events
NLAPH is only for teams based in the US and US territories, including American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin Islands.
The retreat is a required part of NLAPH and is critical to the learning experience of teams during the cohort year. If you have one critical team member that knows they are unable to attend the retreat and you feel you need to include them in the application, please contact us to discuss before submitting your application.
For more information see the Eligibility Requirements section of the Program Overview.
Team Characteristics, Composition & Roles
NLAPH teams have four individual members. For more information, please refer to the Team Characteristics, Composition & Roles section of the Program Overview.
If you have any questions about team composition, including potential additional members, please contact us.
Yes. The Applied Health Leadership Project is designed to support teams in advancing their local work through applying the NLAPH learnings to that project. Public/population health might mean overarching coalition building, health impact assessment report prioritizing, or it might mean a specific issue. The area of focus questions in the application are meant to provide information to our application review team and more than one focus area can be identified.
NLAPH is a team-based program. To apply, members of a team must submit one application together with an applied project, which they will define during the application process. If you think your community could benefit from NLAPH, but you don’t already have a team, we encourage you to start engaging in that process now so that you are ready for next year.
We recruit annually and are now recruiting for our 12th cohort. We encourage you to think about public health-oriented task forces, and/or work groups and coalitions that already exist within your community. NLAPH teams are frequently formed from these types of groups.
We also encourage you to look at the Team Characteristics, Composition & Roles section of the website to further inform your thinking about team formation, and the Program Activities section of the website to inform efforts towards project formation.
We understand that leadership/management is sometimes unwilling or less than eager to support participation in an unknown entity. Staffing capacity is of utmost concern in these times. Some important points:
NLAPH is an evidence-based, highly successful leadership program funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We are recruiting for our 12th cohort and have 11 successfully completed cohorts before this. For more information about positive impacts from participation in NLAPH, please visit the Evaluation page of our website.
NLAPH teams are engaged in their actual work while they are in the program. NLAPH is designed to advance and leverage existing work through existing teams. For more information, please visit the Program Activities page of our website.
Providing leadership/management with a specific understanding of commitment and expectations can sometimes be more helpful than sending a general request to participate. See the Eligibility Requirements page of our website for more information about program commitments and expectations.
No. The NLAPH program is designed for multi-sector teams that have already started the process of working together to address a local public health issue and advance equity in their community.
NLAPH team members should represent a wide range of sectors and disciplines, one of which must be public health. Team member roles and functions should be balanced between members so that the team is able to lead effectively together. The teams that tend to get the most out of the program are those that are well-balanced with different skills, perspectives, and abilities.
Ideal NLAPH team members should have experience with leadership beyond the individual level, including leading a team, department, division, organization, or coalition.
For more information see the Team Characteristics, Composition & Roles section of the Program Overview.
Application Process
In general, the NLAPH recruitment period begins in August of each year, with applications due sometime in early to mid-October.
All applications must be submitted by 5pm PT on Monday, October 2, 2023.
Visit the Application Process section of our website to learn more and apply.
For more information see the Application Process section of the Program Overview.
For questions and assistance please email us at laph@healthleadership.org.